" Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Transformer Attention for Low-Light Image Enhancement "

- Alexandru Brăteanu,  Raul Balmez - Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision

best-paper-ai-ISETC2024          best-paper-ai-ISETC2024


" Real-Time GPS Mapping and Tracking Tool for Enhanced Radio Network Topology "

- Irinel Crăcan, Emil Șorecău, Mirela Șorecău, Paul Bechet - Instrumentation and Measurement



"  Improving the Elective Courses Selection Process by Extending an Educational Platform "

- Dumitru Danică, Andrei Ternauciuc - Open Education, Open Science and Emerging Technologies

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"Analysis and Simulation of a Control Method for a ZCS-QRC Buck Topology with Constant Switching Frequency"

- Daniel Trip, Adrian Șchiop, Adriana Grava, Cristian Grava  - Power Electronics

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" Radar Object Classification Using Neural Networks in Urban Automotive Scenarios "

- Atila Gabriel Ham, Corina Naforniță, Vladimir Cristian Vesa - Signal Processing

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" Data Prediction Algorithms in Real-Time Using Internet of Things and Named-Data Networks "

- Dan-Andrei Margin, Virgil Dobrotă - Telecommunications



" FuzzWiz - Fuzzing Framework for Efficient Hardware Coverage "

- Deepak Narayan Gadde, Aman Kumar, Djones Lettnin, Sebastian Simon - Microelectronics

Best-paper-Microelectronics-ISETC2024          Best-paper-Microelectronics-ISETC2024

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